Filtering for "(Neo)vim"
Remove filter- What's Groff?
- [Plugin] You're surrounded and that's good: nvim-surround
- Exploring my neovim config
- Luarocks and hererocks issue
- [Plugin] Automatic pairing for your code: tpope/vim_endwise
- [Plugin] The marsupilami of (neo)vim
- [Plugin] No more errors in your code with vim-ale
- [Plugin] Don't be a robot, use one
- Write like a pro with vale
- [Plugin] Buffers tabs in neovim: barbar
- It's normal to use (neo)vim
- Automatically save your position in vim on closing
- [Plugin] Auto indent your code: sleuth.vim
- Using the black hole register to upgrade default keybindings
- [Plugin] Writing and organizing your notes in neovim: mkdnflow
- [Plugin] Choose/switch your theme easily: nvim-base16
- [Plugin] (neo)vim plugins manager: packer
- Why not another text editor?
- Speedup your vim motions
- [Plugin] Discharge your (neo)vim
- Underrated keybindings
- Hybrid mode