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A complete cli file manager: yazi

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cli Like everyone else, I’ve started navigating and managing my files with GUI apps, but soon realized that a CLI tool would better integrate into my workflow. Then I encountered some limitations and used the power of zsh to complete this task directly from the commandline.

I kept an eye open for any CLI alternatives though, because in a few circumstances large file manipulations were still tricky. I’ve tried different approaches, but one thing that definitely brought me back to the straight commandline is the fuzzy find search (fzf ), until I came across yazi .

After few months of daily use, I think I can recommend it.

╭── Features that sold me on yazi

From the project page, here are the features I was first attracted with:

Here are some additional features you may also like:

But yazi is way more than this short list of features. Walking you through it will take hours. You can take a look at the great documentation on the project page, and also watch this two great overviews:

(source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUwu3mkrz_k )

(source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l44HjrTQHGc )

╭── Searching is vital

As I mentioned, a good search support is important to me. Here again, yazi couldn’t have done it better. It offers:

This will cover any search needs one may have. I use fzf all over the place, so having a file manager that supports it is really what made me fall in love with yazi.

Additionally, you can also:

╭── A good tool is a customizable tool

Yazi is fully customizable through three config files:

Most keybindings are pretty obvious, but I’d like to share here the ones I’ve created to use trash-cli (note that I’m using tmux also):

{ on = "d",     run = "shell --confirm 'trash-put $@'",                                   desc = "Trash selected files" },  
{ on = "R",     run = "shell --confirm 'tmux popup -E \"trash-restore\"'",                desc = "Restore trashed files" },  
{ on = "T",     run = "shell --confirm 'tmux popup -E \"trash-list && trash-empty\"'",    desc = "Empty trash" }  

I’ve also tweaked the paste command to deselect files when the action is completed:

{ on = "p",     run = ["paste", "unyank"],    desc = "Paste yanked files" }  

╭── Conclusion

I was yet not able to find the limits of yazi for my needs. I still have the reflex to perform simple actions directly from the commandline because of muscle memory and also because it’s faster, but as soon as I need to work on multiple files or across several directories I love using yazi.

Thanks for your read. Hope it's been useful to you.

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