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Write like a pro with vale

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vim Vale is an open-source linter that provides real-time feedback on grammar, style, and tone, helping you improve the quality of your content. When integrated into (neo)vim, this powerful combo can help you write and edit like a pro.

╭── What writing like a pro means?

  1. Catching mistakes before they happen

With vale, you won’t have to worry about typos or grammatical errors slipping through the cracks. Vale’s real-time feedback alerts you to potential mistakes as you write, so you can make corrections on the spot.

  1. Customizable rules

Whether you’re a technical writer or a blogger, you can fine-tune vale to provide feedback that’s relevant to your writing goals.

  1. Multiple language support

Multiple languages includes English, Spanish, German, and more. You can write confidently in your preferred language, knowing that vale has your back.

  1. Improving your writing skills

By providing real-time feedback and customizable rules, vale helps you improve your writing skills over time. As you become more familiar with vale’s suggestions, you’ll develop a better sense of what makes writing great.

╭── Installation and integration to (neo)vim

The official vale webpage will tell you to use the dense-analysis/ale but 1) I use another ale plugin, and 2) this will show you help messages in the command bar one by one as you go through them in your text. Hence, I’ve chose to go with the marcelofern plugin which shows up all vale messages in the QuickFix.

Once you’ve installed one of these plugins following the matching github page, you will need to configure vale itself.

╭── Configuring vale

You’ve asked for simplicity? Here it is:

  1. Install vale for your Linux distro
  2. Create a vale directory somewhere you want to store vale data and type vale sync. This will create a Style directory
  3. Create an init file using this tool and place it in the path you’ve chose on step 2
  4. Run vale sync again to automatically download the needed styles in the Styles directory

Now when calling :Vale in (neo)vim you’ll see vale messages to help you with your writing. In conclusion, Vale in Neovim is the ultimate writing and editing companion for anyone looking to improve the quality of their content. Vale helpa you write with confidence and polish your work.

Thanks for your read. Hope it's been useful to you.

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