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[Plugin] Extend the vi motions in (neo)vim: vi-motions

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zsh When you’re both a (neo)vim and zsh user, the best of both world meets when you activate the vi motions in zsh with the command bindkey -v in the zsh config file.

This will activate few vi motions. Some of them, even though built-in zsh, needs to be loaded. But if we could do so and add even more vi motions? That’s what the vi-motions offers. There are other plugins but this one simply fill the bill for me in terms of functionalities and simplicity.

Here is the list of motions distributed with zsh that this plugin will load (from the github page):

Map Keybinding Motion
vicmd viins \e[H \e[F (Home/End) beginning/end of line
vicmd viopp a’ a" a` select a quoted string or backticks
vicmd viopp i’ i" i` select in a quoted string or backticks
vicmd viopp a( a[ a{ a< ab a) a] a} a> aB select a bracketed segment
vicmd viopp i( i[ i{ i< ib i) i] i} i> iB select in a bracketed segment
vicmd cs ds ys change/delete/add surrounding quotes/brackets
visual S add surrounding quotes/brackets

This is the list of new motions you’ll get (from the github page):

Map Keybinding Motion
viopp v[motion] Force motion character-wise,
or toggle exclusivity (see :h forced-motion in Vim)
vicmd viopp visual ) ( g) g( move forward/back to start/end of command
vicmd viopp as aS select a command
vicmd viopp is iS select in a command (exclude terminating ;
and control flow words)
vicmd viopp visual (Not enabled by default) Move forward/back to start/end
of $WORDCHARS-dependant words
vicmd viopp visual (Not enabled by default) Move forward/back to start/end
of shell words

Thanks for your read. Hope it's been useful to you.

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